Monday, March 15, 2010

Style lovin: Au Revoir Simone

Au Revoir Simone is band from Boston and it consists of Erika Forster, Annie Hart and Heather D’Angelo. I love their beautiful music with beautiful lyrics. I also adore their style, it's so beautiful and chic and still quite simple. They also have amazing press-photos! Au Revoir Simones homepage can be found here and their page here.

This video is so amazing, I want to spend a day like that too!
(For some reason it doesn't show fully here, so I recommend clicking it to see it in YouTube)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

We have the choice to breathe

The sun is shining and melting the thick layers of snow. The days are getting longer and longer, you can still see light blue skies at 6pm. Even though it's still pretty cold and freezing, it will be spring soon!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Esme, Luka & Pepita

I was in fantasy-doll-course couple of days ago. We made dolls' heads, hands and feet out of Cernit and their bodies were made of  wire, cotton-wool and cloth. it was really fun and in making dolls there is pssibility to be really creative. I'll surely make some more at home. This is my doll Esmeralda, "Esme".

I've made dolls ones before. As the ending work for Steiner-school (Waldorf-school) 2002 I made two marionette dolls, Luka & Pepita.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New home

Hi, and sorry I haven't been here for a month.. That's because I moved and didn't then have internet at first. I really love my new home, it's in a old wooden house, which was built 1930. And it's big, two rooms and a kitchen just for me!! And now I have accomplished at least one of my new year goals: Bigger kitchen! Here couple of pics (things are still not all in their places yet).
My little art&craft place in the corner of living room.
My Kitchen.
In the kitchen I have this wood-oven too, maybe I can use it one day..
I have these too, but they work with electricity nowadays.
I love this poster!